Design Components
Ecological Design
Replace your lawn or update your yard with CA Native plants that are already adapted to local conditions. Plant for beauty, wildlife forage and shelter, or just to honor our beautiful region.
vegatable beds
Reduce trips to the grocery store and herb shop by growing your own food and medicine!
Laundry-to-landscape greywater
Greywater systems are a great way to water your fruit trees and lessen your impact on our water resources
Fruit Tree Care
Help your fruit trees be all they can be with seasonal pruning, fertilizing, and general care.
Oak tree care
Let us help you tend to these generous ancestors of our land
Carpentry and natural building
From arbors and veggie beds to outhouses and outdoor showers — let us build for you!
Sheet mulching
Weed suppression that upcycles, reduces landfill waste, and feeds the soil!
Build healthy soil at home by upcycling your food and yard scraps.
Earth Shaping
Adjust the grade of your land to improve drainage, reduce erosion, and keep precious water in the watershed. Transform your yard with swales, rain gardens, and terraces.